My Body is not a season!
Booked those tickets, reserved that Airbnb, took out your annual leave but wait, just three more months to get that perfect #BaliBody!! Time to start panicking, hit the gym and go on a crazy diet cause who wants to go on holiday looking the same as every day? Afterall, before buying that perfect sexy swimsuit, you need the perfect body right?
How many of us have this thought process before much awaited travel plans? Almost all of us! In Sri Lanka, most of us love to be in our best shape in December, ready for for all the beach days, parties and NYE. Staying this way through Christmas is a huge battle cause who can say no to all that food?
If you live in a country that experiences the four main seasons, your body is put through so much just to fit in throughout the year. There’s a reason why some of us love Winter so much. It’s that much easier to hide that extra weight underneath jumpers and jackets. Come Summer though, we sit and regret all the mashed potatoes and mac n cheese we consumed cause how do we get that Summer body now?!
Why do we think our bodies need to change according to different seasons? Or when we need to go on vacation? Why is our daily-life, stay-at-home body just not good enough? Hop online and you see the ‘ideal women’ lounging in the sun, sipping a few cocktails, faces held up to bask in that golden glow; perfect outfit, perfect makeup, manicured fingernails in that perfect shade of Paradise. Know how to recognize this for what it is; an advertisement. You don’t need to be that woman to go on vacation, or to hit the beach with your friends, or to buy a new swimsuit. You just need to be you. The everyday you, because that’s the you that worked so hard to treat yourself to this holiday, that’s the you that cooked delicious meals and entertained everyone during cold Winter nights, that’s the you that deserves everything, simply for being strong, resilient and absolutely beautiful.
Summer body, Bali body, Post-Avurudu body, STOP! Your body is not just for a season, it’s for life. Love it, embrace it, be proud of it.